Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year To All

Okay, so I haven't been good at blogging but I have been busy. Christmas was wonderful at our house. Van and I usually go over to the Pelfrey Zoo on Christmas morning and watch the grandkids open their Christmas. But this year, we had all of them come over to our house after they had their Santa Claus. Then they stayed over for most of the day and it was wonderful. Becca and Brent was down along with Fiona and Fletcher, so it was like the family coming together at the "home place". It was very memorable for us all to be together. Christmas afternoon, Van and I went and visited with his parents. On Friday, Becca and I went shopping and spent the day together which was very nice. On Sunday, the family got together once again before Becca and Brent had to leave for Nashvegas. They took Dory home with them since we were going to travel the following week. For New Years Van and I always go to my brother, John and his wife, Diane's house in Byhalia, MS. We left on Tuesday and had a blast all week with them. Since we got there early I got to go and have lunch with my childhood friend, Jamie on Wednesday. Van was going to just drop me off so we could have some quality time and go "hook up" with some of his buddies in Memphis. The only thing is that they were both either working or out of town. So he went and got his favorite lunch, "3 Little Pigs Bar-b-Que". It was good to see Jamie and her mom. Sorry Van you didn't get to hang with the boys. On New Year's Eve we always go to dinner and a movie. This year we went to "Red Robin" and then to see the movie "Bedtime Stories". It was an okay movie but I wouldn't recommend it except to rent it. Then on New Year's Day we go to Diane's parents house and about 30 - 40 of us bring a dish or two and eat all day long. Man what a feast we have. (Don't worry, I didn't cheat and eat food I wasn't supposed to!) I have to say, when we all get together, no one should complain about being hungry. We left there on Saturday to head to Nashvegas to pick up the Dory bear. Becca had told me that Dory had barked all week because of the different noises she heard in the apartments. I feel really bad cause she is normally a great dog at home.
We went to out to eat with Brad, Casey, Becca and Brent on Saturday nite at Jason's Deli and then walked the Cool Springs mall. We left on Sunday to come back to Chattahoochie town and was ready to hit the bed.

Whew, what a holiday we have had. By the way, as soon as I get them downloaded I will get some pictures posted.

Thanks to all of the family and friends. Hope all of you had a great holiday. Now it is time to face the work week and unfortunately get ready for the tax man. UGH!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed our visit, although it was way too short! I promise to make a trip to the land of the Choo-Choo in the spring. You are looking great! Jamie